Tuesday 25 June 2013


ok so i got my camera fixed and i have some new pics for you!!
 bubble tea!! for those who havent tried it: its sooooooo amazing, for those who havent: you have to try it!!!!!!

Monday 24 June 2013

ok, i promise there will be pics soon...

so, im a beginner in photography and in a effort to be useful to my fellow beginners, im going to start uploading stuff that might be useful...

here is the first thing, i hope its useful
its in pictures cause you cant upload documents... you might have to download them.. srry guys

Some pretty sentimental stuff...

hey guys,
so for whoever is out there and actually reads my blog a few times, im really sorry ive been out for so long. Life has been pretty hectic and ive pretty much had no energy to do anything. But today, i have some pretty sentimental advice to you out there, so here it is: Life is not about winning; its not about becoming famous; its not about earning tons of money so you can do whatever the hell you want. Life is about the people you love and the things you love doing. Have you ever wanted to go bungee jumping but never had the time? or maybe start a restaurant? or start photographing the things you love just for the sake of it (like me :))? GO DO IT! im telling you, seriously, GO DO IT! Dont wait around, cause these things are not going to come up to you and be like "hey, you gotta do this now or you are gonna regret, dude!" stop waiting, and do it whether its in your love life or in your professional life or just something you really wanted to do!

ok, im done being sentimental :)
some photos coming up soon!!


Sunday 16 June 2013

Stupid autofocus!!

Ok so heres the deal: where i live the humidity is really high and my camera's instructions say dont keep it places with high humidity. Therefore the autofocus is really messed up and i cant take any new pictures. Please comment if u have any solutions!


Friday 14 June 2013


Im really bored so i decided to do a puzzle...and, well, im kinda stuck! Any advice?

Photograhy apprentice

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The v1- if u want a dslr but dont want a cluncky camera

This guy is a professional, so i hope it helps you!!


Hey guys,
so pretty soon im gonna start putting video reviews of my camera and of others
so if u r looking for a place for camera reviews come here!!!


Monday 3 June 2013

goofing of!! lol

ok, for the first time i saw a chameleon and my STUPID camera will NOT focus. it was still cool though :)

anyway here are the rest of the pictures

"to infinity and beyond" :) 

Saturday 1 June 2013

messing with shadow effect! :)

Hey visiting people!!!

hey guys, i have all these pictures that i don't what to do with. Me and my friend love messing with our cameras and produce some pretty strange things. So, Tadaa! :)

"A camera is a save button for the mind's eye." - Rogu Kingston