Wednesday 20 November 2013

10 tips for travelling photographers by photographyapprentice :)

Hey guys,
so as you may have noticed...
i travel a lot
like absolutely ridiculous amounts of travelling!

so i have come up with a few tips for photography on the go
here goes!

1) ALWAYS, and i repeat ALWAYS have a soft cloth around you to clean your lens.
trust me, after a steamy local kitchen or just the rigours of street life your camera lens will start to feel it
it occasionally makes for a really nice picture but most of the time the fog and steam and grime just gets in your way! so tuck one into your pocket!!

2) Invest in a good camera bag
when you have nowhere to put your camera and its just hanging around your neck or on your shoulder, its really really susceptible to damage. I have a sling back that fits my camera perfectly and doesn't get in the way, most camera companies provide you with one when you buy their cameras but if they dont, invest!!!

3)Go of the "beaten path", be a little adventurous
all i can say is when you explore a city with a camera in your hand, the world automatically seems better! XD i know, cheeeeeesssyyyyy!! but its kinda true!

4)Go manual, ditch auto!
i know auto is really good for fast pictures, but its just not the same! and manual can be really fast once you get the hang of it... the best part is that you have complete control over your pictures

5) Dont be shy!!
If you learn to say hello in the local language, it could take you everywhere. Mostly cause people can be friendly if you try speaking their language instead of starting with the loud cave man talk and the gesturing! XD

6) ASK!!
people can be quite picky over the fact that some random stranger has pictures of them. I know right! it really doesnt make sense, but im a photographer at heart as well as a really open person!
so before you offend anyone, always ask if you can include them in one of your pictures, the locals are sometimes the best part of cities!

7) Keep a close eye on your gear!!
you have a really expensive camera, and while you paid 500 bucks for it the guy standing next to you while you generally dont pay attention could get 2000. be careful!!

8) Keep tons of backup storage on the road!
i usually have 2 or 3 SD cards (that fit my camera! XD) lying around my camera bag. when you take multiple pictures of everything, your gonna need it pretty soon

which brings me to my next point...

9) Take multiples!!
when your editing and you realise that thats the only copy you have of that picture and its blurry, your gonna wish you had kept your finger on the trigger. so keep clicking!! no matter how stupid it looks :)

aaand the stupid one...

10) NEVER wear a hat!
seriously, it gets in your way! the last time i did that, i had either the brim of the hat in half my pictures or it kept falling off. i made that awful mistake, so im requesting you guys, dont do what i did XD

so, for the older photographers, who have been rolling their eyes at the stuff above, im young and newly crazed but i do have experience so this is my two cents! im not impertinent, guys, i promise :D

ok now i must get of my laptop :P

i hope you enjoyed that!

and of course, i hope they were useful

photographyapprentice xoxo

Tell a Story

Ok so recently i found another photography mentor (like 5 minutes ago and i decided i had to post this NOW) he tells stories with his pictures, simply through composition, they are amazing

the only problem is i dont know his name!! (XD :P)
i know, i know i can literally imagine your face right now

does it look kinda like this?

sorry about that :P
anyway, if anybody recognises this guy's (or it maybe guys' :P) work, please tell me!! comment!!!

Monday 18 November 2013

Photography is a window into the human soul

ok, yes,  i know - cheesy
but if u think about it, its true
a photo taken with all the intention to show someone some emotion or the other has the power to make scores of strangers see the same thing as you.

anyway the point of this was:

try and see what the photographer wanted to show :)

And for my beginners: try doing this! even if its only with your dog!
trust me, u will thank me eventually XD

Thursday 14 November 2013


Ok, to start off, im really sorry to those who had been looking at this blog an a regular basis
i havent been writing recently because i have been caught up in school....

i wanted to write today because of a fellow blogger and a very dear friend of mine
one, i just wanna say that she inspires me!!
but she has a strange ability to pour out all her feelings on her blog and not tell them to us (her friends)

and recently she met a boy, who i thinks she likes more than she lets on
and when i read about this, i could only think about the first time i really read about photography
i found nothing but potential in it
the power of making someone feel the things that u were feeling when u documented that
it was so amazing!
and i hope that all those people out there feel the same about photography

so on that inspiring note (hopefully :D )
go and explore the world through a lens :)
