Thursday 14 November 2013


Ok, to start off, im really sorry to those who had been looking at this blog an a regular basis
i havent been writing recently because i have been caught up in school....

i wanted to write today because of a fellow blogger and a very dear friend of mine
one, i just wanna say that she inspires me!!
but she has a strange ability to pour out all her feelings on her blog and not tell them to us (her friends)

and recently she met a boy, who i thinks she likes more than she lets on
and when i read about this, i could only think about the first time i really read about photography
i found nothing but potential in it
the power of making someone feel the things that u were feeling when u documented that
it was so amazing!
and i hope that all those people out there feel the same about photography

so on that inspiring note (hopefully :D )
go and explore the world through a lens :)


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